looking at Camden Head from Diamond Head - Crowdy Bay National Park Significant stands of littoral rainforest once existed in the park on coastal dunes between Diamond Head and Harrington, unfortunately they have been largely destroyed by the combined effects of grazing, fire & sand mining. Remnant stands now remain at Crowdy Gap, Diamond Head and the beach north of Diamond Head. Woodland and open forest communities are also found in the park. Of special interest are the hind dune woodlands of blackbutt (Eucalyptus pilularis) and needlebark (E. planchoniana). The stands of needlebark within the park are the most southern known occurrences of this species in eastern Australia. Other plant communities, from grasslands to saltmarsh and mangrove forests, add to the diversity and scientificvalue of the park's environment. |
Cissus antarctica Native Grape | Cissus antarctica Native Grape | Melaleuca quinquinerva Paper bark |