Dixons Long Point track descents
into a steep 150 metre deep gorge, crossing the Macquarie River between
Orange & Hill End on the NSW Central Tablelands.
Gold mining occurred in the area in the 1800’s, but there is little
visible evidence now and was perhaps associated with more intense
mining at nearby areas such as Hill End and Ophir. Once settled, much of
the area was cleared for grazing.
The original vegetation comprised of eucalypt dominated open forests and
woodlands on the valley slopes of the river gorge, with a narrow band of
tall gallery forest of River Oak Casuarina cunninghamiana along
the river banks.
These slope communities north and west of the river are low open forest
and woodland dominated by Red Box Eucalyptus polyanthemos with
occasional Red Stringybark E. macrorhyncha and Kurrajong
Brachychiton populneus.